Publications and Abstracts
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18) Reyners, M., D. M.
Eberhart-Phillips, S.C. Bannister and S. Martin, "The
tectonic context of the destructive 2010-2011 Canterbury, New
Zealand, earthquake sequence,"
AGU Fall Meeting,
2011 (Abstract).
17) Beavan, J., C.
Holden, M. Reyners, B. Fry, S. Samsonov, M. Motagh and S. Martin,
"Source models of the Mw 7.1 Darfield, New Zealand, earthquake," XXV
IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, 2011 (Abstract)
16) Szeliga, W.,
S.E. Hough, S. Martin and R. Bilham, “Intensity, magnitude, location
and attenuation in India for felt earthquakes since 1762”, Bulletin
of the Seismological Society of America, Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, 100, 2,
pp. 570-584, 2010
766 Kb,
15) Martin. S., and W. Szeliga, “A catalog
of felt intensity data for 589 earthquakes in India, 1636-2009”,
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, 100, 2,
pp. 536-569, 2010
1.59 Mb,
14) Szeliga, W., S.
Martin, S.E. Hough and R. Bilham, “Epicentral determination from
macroseismic data: Insights from four centuries of observations”,
Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 2009 (Abstract).
13) Szeliga, W., S.
Martin, S.E. Hough and R. Bilham, “Numerical studies of 8000
reports of earthquakes felt in India in the past four centuries",
Seismological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 2008 (Abstract).
12) Martin, S.,
W. Szeliga, and R. Bilham, “Intensity, magnitude, location and
attenuation in India for felt earthquakes since 1764”, EOS,
Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, 88,
52, Abstract T54C-04, 2007 (Abstract).
11) Martin, S., “Intensity
Distribution from the 2004 M9.0 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake",
Seismological Research Letters, 76,
3, pp. 321-330,
2005 [
Download: 4.8 Mb].
10) Hough, S.E.,
K. Mueller, R. Bilham, N. Ambraseys, and S. Martin, "Remotely
triggered earthquakes in Intraplate Regions: Distributed Hazard,
Dependent Events", EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical
Union, Vol.84, No.46, Fall Meeting, supplement, 2003 (Abstract).
09) Hough, S.E., R.
Bilham, K. Mueller, N. Ambraseys and S. Martin, “Great
Intraplate Earthquakes: Insights from Macroseismic Data”, Indo-US
Workshop on Seismicity & Geodynamics, Hyderabad, pp 19-20, 2003 (Abstract).
08) Hough, S.E., S. Martin, R. Bilham, and G.
Atkinson, "A media-based assessment of damage and ground motions
from the January 26th 2001 M7.6 Bhuj, India earthquake" Proceedings
of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences,
112, 3, pp. 353-375, 2003
403 kb].
07) Hough, S.E., and S. Martin,
“Magnitude estimates of two large aftershocks of the 16 December,
1811 New Madrid earthquake”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society
of America, 92, 8, pp 3259-3268, 2002
446 kb].
06) Hough, S.E., S. Martin, R.
Bilham, and G.M. Atkinson, "The 26 January, 2001 Bhuj, India,
earthquake: observed and predicted ground motions", Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, 92, 6,
pp. 2061-2079, 2002
2.94 Mb].
05) Stewart, J.P., S.E. Hough, S.V.
Vandhana and S. Martin, "Damage patterns", Earthquake
Spectra, Vol. 8, Issue S1
(Bhuj Earthquake Special),
pp. 67-75, July 2002.
04) Hough, S.E. and S. Martin, “Intensity Distribution of the
January 26, 2001 Bhuj, India Earthquake”, Seismological Research
Letters Vol.72, No.7, 2001 (Abstract).
03) Bendick, R., R. Bilham, E. Fielding, V. Gaur, S.E. Hough,
G. Kier, M. Kulkarni, S. Martin, and M. Mukul, “The January
26, 2001 "Republic Day", India Earthquake”, Seismological Research Letters,
72, pp. 328-335,
2001 [
Draft: 448 kb].
Hough, S.E., S. Martin, R. Bilham, and G.M. Atkinson,
"The 26 January, 2001 Bhuj, India, earthquake: observed and
predicted ground motions", EOS, Transactions of the American
Geophysical Union, Vol. 47, Fall Meeting, Abstract S52G-02, 2001 (Abstract).
01) Bendick, R.,
R. Bilham, R.. Fielding, V. Gaur, S.E. Hough, G. Kier, M. Kulkarni,
S. Martin and M. Mukul, “Geodetic investigation of the
January 26, 2001 Bhuj Earthquake, Gujarat, India”, EOS, Transactions
American Geophysical Union Vol. 82, pp 5261, 2001 (Abstract).