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ASC Website Disclaimer

About the Amateur Seismic Centre (ASC)
The Amateur Seismic Centre (ASC or www.asc-india.org) is an independent website based in Pune (Maharashtra, India) that was founded in June 2000 by Stacey S. Martin. The website was created with the aim of providing users in India and overseas, information on earthquakes in the sub-continent. Although the ASC does not instrumentally record seismic activity, it keeps track of regional seismicity and distributes this information through its website. All the information on this website has been acquired from reliable sources such as published research articles in Indian and international scientific journals and from well-known research & media organizations in India & south Asia.

Website Disclaimer
Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate by-line/photo/image credit is requested. It is strongly recommend that ASC website data be acquired directly from an ASC website server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. The ASC website welcomes suggestions on how to improve our webpages and to correct errors. The ASC website provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data.

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Information displayed on the ASC website may be used in further written work, either in print or electronic, provided the appropriate references are given either to the referenced author(s) for published work or to the ASC for information published on this website as shown below in "1" & "2". For usage of material on this website by the media please see "3".

1) For data retrieved from the ASC web site (all data):
'Amateur Seismic Centre, http://www.asc-india.org/, Pune, India (last accessed)'.

2) For data retrieved from the ASC-N Mailing list service (event bulletins):
'Amateur Seismic Centre, ASC-N, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asc-n, Pune, India (last accessed.

3) Print & electronic media only! In this instance, a link must be provided alongside the information that has been reproduced from this website. Eg. "Source: www.asc-india.org".

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Some applications on this website are handled using web-based forms. Examples include the 'Felt a Quake?' and 'Contact Us' pages. If you send an electronic mail message with a question or comment that contains individually identifiable information, or fill out a form that emails such information, it will only be used to reply to your request and analyze trends. Information collected via e-mail or Web form will be retained at our discretion in a readable form for as long as necessary to complete our response. Any e-mail addresses submitted to this website in this manner will not be shared with any third-parties. Lists of e-mail addresses maintained by the ASC are not distributed to any parties outside the ASC. When you voluntarily provide us with personal information as part of an online survey such as the 'Felt a Quake?' section, it is used to perform various quantitative and qualitative analyses to improve services provided by this website. The information may be utilized in collaborative research with other parties involved in valid scientific research but personal information such as e-mail addresses will not be published. You are under no obligation to participate in such surveys. Non-participation will not inhibit your use of this website in any way. If you provided the information in error, you may request its removal at any time. Information collected via online surveys may be retained at the discretion of the ASC for an indefinite period of time.

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ap Products
All the maps on this website that bear the "www.asc-india.org" link embedded in them have been created by the ASC using the Generic Mapping Tool software [Ref: Wessel, P., and Smith, W.H.F., Free software helps map and display data, EOS, 72, 1991]. These are only intended to provide a graphical example for accompanying textual material. Google Maps are used to display maps in certain section on this website.
International boundaries of India (especially Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal) displayed on these maps by Google Maps. The ASC has no control over the external boundaries displayed in these Google maps that do not conform to the external boundaries of India recognized by the Survey of India. That they are displayed on this website via Google Maps, is only for informational & display purposes and should not be misinterpreted as an endorsement of these boundaries by the ASC.

Page Updated: 21 Feb 2008 | Website Disclaimer

© Amateur Seismic Centre, Pune,