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Earthquakes in
Odisha, India |
- Odisha (formerly Orissa), India
- Bhubaneswar
Population per
district (Top 5)
- pop. 3,016,930
- pop. 2,810,436
Mayurbhanj - pop.
Baleswar - pop. 1,972,094
Khurda - pop. 1,317,431
Earthquake History
Odisha has experienced very few moderate to large earthquakes. Some
events with magnitudes in excess of 5.0 have originated in the Bay of
Bengal off the coast of the state. Several faults have been identified
in the region and some (4)
have shown evidence of movement during the Holocene epoch. The
Brahmani Fault (4) in the
vicinity of Bonaigarh is among then. The Mahanadi also flows through a
graben structure. Several deep-seated faults (4)
are situated beneath the Mahanadi Delta. However, it must be stated
that proximity to faults does not necessarily translate into a higher
hazard as compared to areas located further away, as damage from
earthquakes depends on numerous factors such as subsurface geology as
well as adherence to the building codes.
Seismic Hazard
The seismic hazard map of India was
updated in 2000 (8) by the Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS). There are no major changes in the zones in Odisha with
the exception of the merging of Zones I and II in the 1984 BIS map. Districts
that lie in the Mahanadi river valley lie in Zone III, and within Odisha this
zone stretches from Jharsuguda along the border with Chhatisgarh in a
south-easterly direction towards the urban centres of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack on
the Mahanadi Delta. The maximum intensity expected in these areas would be
around MSK VII. Districts in the north and south-west of the state lie in Zone
Since the earthquake database in
India is still incomplete, especially with regards to earthquakes prior to the
historical period (before 1800 A.D.), these zones offer a rough guide of the earthquake hazard in any
particular region and need to be regularly updated
(See also:
GSHAP Hazard Map for Odisha).
Largest Instrumented
Earthquake in Odisha
08 May 1963 -
Bijakuli-Banei area, Odisha, Mb 5.2 (4)
21.700 N, 84.900
E, D=033.0 kms, OT=14:15:03 UTC (4)
This area is located to the east of Sambalpur. A higher
magnitude of 6.0 is often listed for this event (14).
Earthquakes in Odisha
The following list briefly outlines known earthquakes in this region
which either had observed intensities of
or higher (historical
events) or had known magnitudes of
M4.5 or more
(instrumented events). General locations are provided for historical events for
which "generalized" epicentral co-ordinates are available.
Some events which were significant for other reasons are also included.
This list will be updated whenever newer information is available. Please note
that Magnitude and Intensity are NOT THE SAME. All events are within the state
or union territory covered on this page unless stated otherwise.
Acronyms Used:
Time, Mw=Moment
Magnitude, Ms=Surface
Wave magnitude,
Wave Magnitude, ML=Local
Magnitude, M?=Magnitude
Type unknown
This listing will be modified
without notice. Please check back for the latest version
when using it elsewhere. Additionally, please
reproduce using appropriate
26 August 1676 -
Balasore area, Odisha.
Maximum observed intensity IV (16).
Felt distinctly (16)
in the town as well as on ships in the harbour at around five in the
morning local time. A uniform time was not implemented in India
until 1905, so do not convert the above stated time into Indian
Standard Time.
15 June 1837 - Rambha-Paluru
area, Odisha.
19.500 N,
85.100 E
Maximum observed intensity VI (13).
This area is located on the southern shore of the Chilka Lake, to
the north-east Behrampur.
March 1858
- Baleshwar-Chandipur area, Odisha.
21.500 N,
87.000 E (3)
Maximum observed intensity V (3).
25 February 1860 -
Karantola area, Odisha.
19.400 N,
84.900 E
Maximum observed intensity V (13).
This area is located to the north-east of Behrampur.
17 June 1891
- Near Palmyras Point, Odisha.
20.800 N,
87.000 E
Maximum observed intensity V (3).
This area is located east of Dhamara at the mouth of the Brahmani
08 May 1963 -
Bijakuli-Banei area, Odisha, Mb 5.2 (4)
21.700 N, 84.900
E, D=033.0 kms, OT=14:15:03 UTC (4)
This area is located to the east of Sambalpur. A
higher magnitude of 6.0 is often listed for this event (14).
05 August 1979 -
Dublabera-Majhgaon area, Jharkhand, Mb 4.7 (4).
22.100 N, 84.900 E, OT=01:18:37 UTC (4)
This event is located along the state border between Jharkhand and
Odisha, near the town of Daspur in north-eastern Odisha.
08 April 1982 -
Bay of Bengal, Mw 5.2
18.510 N, 86.310
E, D=024.0 kms,
OT=02:41:16 UTC
This event was centred in the Bay of Bengal. The
epicentre was located roughly 150 kilometres south of Puri, Odisha
and 188 kms east of Baruva, Andhra Pradesh.
14 October
1982 - Khajuripada-Banigochha area,
Odisha, Mb 4.7 (4).
20.390 N, 84.420
E, OT=12:56:09
UTC (4)
This area is located about 140 kilometres to the
west of Bhubaneswar.
01 July 1985 - Bay of
Bengal, Mw 5.4
18.367 N, 87.188
E, D=010.0 kms, OT=02:23:52 UTC
This event was centred in the Bay of Bengal. The
epicentre was located roughly 214 kilometres south-east of Puri,
Odisha and 280 kms east of Baruva, Andhra Pradesh.
27 March 1995 -
Laimura-Deogarh area, Odisha, Mb
4.6 (15)
21.671 N, 84.565
E, D=010.0 kms, OT=07:52:10.60 UTC
This area is located to the east of Sambalpur. This earthquake is
called the Bonaigarh earthquake (4).
A maximum MSK intensity (4)
of V was observed. Many buildings were damaged (4)
at Bonaigarh and Deogarh.
21 June 1995 - Kasijodi-Nuakot
area, Odisha, Mb 4.7 (15)
21.780 N, 85.327
E, D=033.0 kms,
OT=18:35:41.23 UTC (15)
This area is located to the north-west of
Keonjhargarh and to the south-east of Rourkela.
12 June
2001 -
Konokjora-Sundargarh area, Odisha, Mw 4.7
22.240 N, 83.918
E, D=025.5 kms,
OT=12:41:00 UTC
light earthquake struck the Sundergarh
region in western Odisha, on 12 July 2001
at 18:11 PM local time and was felt in many parts of the region,
including in adjoining parts of Chhattisgarh. It had a
magnitude of Mw=4.7. |
01) Ambraseys,
N., Reappraisal of North Indian earthquakes at the turn of the 20th
century. Current Science (9), 1237-1250
02) Bilham, R. and P.
England, "Plateau pop-up during the 1897 Assam earthquake.", Nature,
03) Chandra, U.,
"Earthquakes of Peninsular India--A
seismotectonic study", Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, Vol. 67, No. 5, pp. 1387 - 1413,
04) Dasgupta, S., Pande, P.,
Ganguly, D., Iqbal, Z, Sanyal, K, Venkatraman, N.V., Dasgupta, S.,
Sural, B., Harendranath, L., Mazumdar, K., Sanyal, S., Roy, K., Das,
L.K., Misra, P.S., Gupta, H., "Seismotectonic Atlas of India and its
Environs", Geological Survey of India, 2000.
05) Ghosh, A.M.N., "Abstracts from replies to
questionnaires", Memoirs of the
Geological Survey of India, Vol.73, pp. 100-101, Kolkata, 1939 (1981
06) Giardini, D.,
Grünthal, G., Shedlock, K.M.,
Zhang, P., "The GSHAP Global Seismic Hazard Map", Annali di Geofisica,
Vol. 42, No.6, p. 1225 - 1230, 1999.
India Meteorological
Department, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
08) IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 Indian Standard
Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Part 1 General
Provisions and Buildings (Fifth Revision).
09) Mathur, S.M., "Physical Geology of India",
National Book Trust of India, 1998.
10) Middlemiss, C.S., "The Kangra Earthquake of 4th
April 1905", Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, vol. 38, 1910
(1981 Reprint).
11) Oldham, R.D.,
"Report on
the great earthquake of 1897", Memoirs of the
Geological Survey of India, Vol. 29,
Calcutta, 1899 (reprinted 1981).
12) Pacheco, Javier F., and Sykes, Lynn R.,
"Seismic moment catalog of large shallow earthquakes, 1900 to 1989",
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 82, no. 3, p.
1306 - 1349, 1992.
13) Rao, B. Ramalingeswara and Rao, P.
Sitapathi, "Historical seismicity of
Peninsular India", Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, Vol. 74, No. 6, pp.2519-2533,
14) Tandon, A.N., and Srivastava, H.N.,
"Earthquake occurrence in India: Earthquake
Engineering (Jai Krishna Vol.)", pp. 1 - 48,
Sarita Prakashan, Meerut, 1974.
15) U.S. Geological Survey, National
Earthquake Information Center, Golden, CO, USA.
16) Iyengar, R.N, Sharma, D, and Siddiqui, J.M,
"Earthquake History of India in Medieval Times", Indian Journal of
history Science, 34 (3), 1999.
17) Harvard Centroid Moment Tensor Solutions.
18) Wessel, P., and Smith, W.H.F., "Free
software helps map and display data", EOS Trans., AGU, 1991, 72, 441,