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26 March 2025 |
Earthquakes in
Madhya Pradesh, India |
- Madhya Pradesh, India
- Bhopal
Million+ Cities
- pop.
- pop.
- pop.
Population per
district (Top 5)
- pop. 2,465,827
- pop. 2,151,203
Sagar - pop. 2,021,987
Rewa - pop. 1,973,306
Satna - pop. 1,870,104
Earthquake History
In peninsula
India the state of Madhya Pradesh, along with Gujarat and Maharashtra,
has suffered from frequent earthquakes, both deadly and damaging,
although not located on or near any plate boundaries. All the
earthquakes here, as in all of peninsula India, are intraplate events.
Most of the activity is confined to the
Narmada-Son fault zone which runs across the state. Several faults
have been identified in this region out of which many show
evidence of movement (1)
during the Holocene epoch. Among them and the most prominent is the
Narmada-Son South Fault (1)
zone that runs from near Khargaon in western Madhya Pradesh in an
east-northeasterly direction right upto the Rihand reservoir in
southern Jharkhand in the east. The Gavilgadh Fault (1)
extends from near Bhusawal in Maharashtra and extends up
to Seoni district in Madhya Pradesh. In the north, the Great
Boundary Fault (1) runs along
the Chambal river which forms the state border with Rajasthan. This
fault has repeatedly reactivated in the past (1)
changing the course of the Chambal and Yamuna rivers. However, it must
be stated that proximity to faults does not necessarily translate into
a higher hazard as compared to areas located further away, as damage
from earthquakes depends on numerous factors such as subsurface
geology as well as adherence to the building codes.
Seismic Hazard
The seismic hazard map of India was
updated in 2000 (5) by the Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS). Apart from the merging of Zones I and II into Zone II in
the latest map, there are no major changes from the BIS 1984 map. Zone III
stretches across the length of the state, and includes all the districts that
lie in the Narmada and Son Valleys, where the maximum expected intensity is VII
(MSK). The rest of the state, i.e. north and south of the Narmada-Son Valleys,
including the capital, Bhopal, lie in Zone II, where the maximum expected
intensity is VI (MSK).
Since the earthquake database in
India is still incomplete, especially with regards to earthquakes prior to the
historical period (before 1800 A.D.), these zones offer a rough guide of the earthquake hazard in any
particular region and need to be regularly updated
(See also:
GSHAP Hazard Map for Madhya Pradesh).
Largest Instrumented
Earthquake in
Madhya Pradesh
02 June 1927 - Umaria area, Madhya Pradesh, Mw 6.4 (9)
23.500 N, 81.000E, 16:37:34 UTC (9)
This earthquake was located in Madhya Pradesh's Umaria District. It was a
deep-seated event and was felt (12) at
Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh and Dehri-on-Son in Bihar as well
as in many parts of central and eastern India.
Earthquakes in
Madhya Pradesh
The following list briefly outlines known earthquakes in this region
which either had observed intensities of
or higher (historical
events) or had known magnitudes of
M5.0 or more
(instrumented events). General locations are provided for historical events for
which "generalized" epicentral co-ordinates are available.
Some events which were significant for other reasons are also included.
This list will be updated whenever newer information is available. Please note
that Magnitude and Intensity are NOT THE SAME. All events are within the state
or union territory covered on this page unless stated otherwise.
Acronyms Used:
Time, Mw=Moment
Magnitude, Ms=Surface
Wave magnitude,
Wave Magnitude, ML=Local
Magnitude, M?=Magnitude
Type unknown
This listing will be modified
without notice. Please check back for the latest version
when using it elsewhere. Additionally, please
reproduce using appropriate
18 November 1863 - Nagalwadi-Julwania area, Madhya Pradesh.
21.800 N, 75.300 E (6)
Maximum observed intensity VI (6).
This region lies along the border of Maharashtra in the Khandwa area
of Madhya Pradesh.
17 May 1903 - Bargi-Jabalpur area, Madhya Pradesh, Ms 5.0 (1).
23.000 N, 80.000 E (1)
Maximum observed intensity VI (6).
31 December 1926 - Badarwas-Digod area, Madhya Pradesh.
25.000 N, 77.500 E, OT=16:53:45 UTC (7)
Maximum observed intensity VII (7).
02 June 1927 - Umaria area, Madhya Pradesh, Mw 6.4 (9)
23.500 N, 81.000E, 16:37:34 UTC (9)
This earthquake was located in Madhya Pradesh's Umaria District. It
was a deep-seated event and was felt (12) at
Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh and Dehri-on-Son in Bihar
as well as in many parts of central and eastern India.
11 April 1929 - Badarwas-Digod area, Madhya Pradesh.
25.000 N, 77.500 E, OT=23:53 UTC (7)
Maximum observed intensity VII (7).
25 June 1930 - Sirsod-Shivpuri area, Madhya Pradesh, Ms 5.6 (1)
25.500 N, 77.500 E (1),
OT=00:49 UTC (7)
Maximum observed intensity VII (7). This earthquake
is also referred to as the Lukwasa earthquake.
14 March 1938 - Bhusawal-Sawda area, Maharashtra, Mw 6.3 (9).
21.130 N, 75.830 E, D=040.0 kms, OT=00:48:38 UTC (1)
Maximum observed intensity VII (1).
This earthquake was felt over a wide region, including at Agra in
the north and Mumbai in the west. Deep-seated event (9),
with a focal depth (JSTN) of 40 kilometres.
25 August 1957 - Lalburra-Tikari area, Madhya Pradesh, Ms 5.5 (1).
22.000 N, 80.000 E, OT=21:04:50 UTC (1)
The district of Balaghat in Madhya Pradesh and Bhandara in
Maharashtra were affected. 25 fatalities are reported for this
event. The epicentre of this earthquake was north of the town of
Waraseoni in Madhya Pradesh and the town of Gondia in Maharashtra.
18 April 1987 - Paunar-Amarwara area, Madhya Pradesh, mb 4.9 (8).
22.346 N, 79.259 E, D=033.0 kms, OT=16:59:48 UTC (8)
Felt in the epicentral area.
31 August 1994 - Gwalior-Gohad (Bhind)
area, Madhya Pradesh, Ms 4.8 (3)
26.300 N, 78.400 E, D=008.0 kms, OT=23:30:00 UTC (3)
Maximum observed intensity MSK VI and VII (1)
in an area to the south of Bhind and east of Gwalior. Felt at MSK
IV-V (1) in many northern
districts of Madhya Pradesh and adjoining areas of Uttar Pradesh and
Rajasthan. This event is known as the Bhind earthquake.
22 May 1997 - Barela-Jabalpur area, Madhya Pradesh, Mw 5.8 (8)
23.083 N, 80.041 E, D=036.0 kms, OT=22:51:28 UTC (8)
38 people were killed, and more than a thousand were hurt in the
city of Jabalpur and the surrounding areas. This was the first major
earthquake to be centred near a densely populated urban area since
16 October 2000 -
Kundam area, Madhya Pradesh, Mb
light earthquake struck Jabalpur and the
adjoining parts of eastern Madhya Pradesh, on 16
October 2000 at 18:11 PM local time and was felt in many parts of
the region resulting in minor damage. It
had a magnitude of Mb=4.4.
Dasgupta, S., Pande, P., Ganguly, D., Iqbal, Z, Sanyal, K,
Venkatraman, N.V., Dasgupta, S., Sural, B., Harendranath, L., Mazumdar,
K., Sanyal, S., Roy, K., Das, L.K., Misra, P.S., Gupta, H., "Seismotectonic
Atlas of India and its Environs", Geological Survey of India, 2000.
02) Giardini, D.,
Grünthal, G., Shedlock, K.M.,
Zhang, P., "The GSHAP Global Seismic Hazard Map", Annali di Geofisica,
Vol. 42, No.6, p. 1225 - 1230, 1999.
03) India Meteorological Department, Lodhi Road, New
04) International Seismological Centre, On-line
Bulletin,, Internatl. Seis. Cent., Thatcham,
United Kingdom, 2001.
05) IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 Indian Standard
Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Part 1 General
Provisions and Buildings (Fifth Revision).
06) Rao, B. Ramalingeswara and Rao, P.
Sitapathi, "Historical seismicity of
Peninsular India", Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, Vol. 74, No. 6, pp.2519-2533,
07) Tandon, A.N., and Srivastava, H.N.,
"Earthquake occurrence in India: Earthquake
Engineering (Jai Krishna Vol.)", pp. 1 - 48,
Sarita Prakashan, Meerut, 1974.
08) U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake
Information Center, Golden, CO, USA.
09) Johnston, A.C., Report TR-102261, Electric
Power Research Institute, Chap.3, 1993.
10) Ambraseys, N. and Jackson, D., "A note on early
earthquakes in northern India and southern Tibet", Current Science,
Vol. 84, No. 4, 25 February 2003.
11) Iyengar, R.N, Sharma,
D, and Siddiqui, J.M, "Earthquake History of India in Medieval Times",
Indian Journal of history Science, 34 (3),
12) Chandra, U.,
"Earthquakes of Peninsular India--A
seismotectonic study", Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, Vol. 67, No. 5, pp. 1387 - 1413,
13) Wessel, P., and Smith,
W.H.F., "Free software helps map and display data", EOS Trans., AGU,
1991, 72, 441, 445.